Saturday, October 4, 2008

if grace is an ocean, we're all sinking

I’ve been in a pit all week. Sara’s wedding was beautiful (minus the arson) and it was great having family and friends around. But, once it was all over and they left, I found myself facing the reality that I no longer have an excuse to avoid the reality that I am unemployed and living at my parent’s house. So, I’ve slept ‘til noon almost every day, not showered on a regular basis, and worn sweats 24/7.

Yesterday, I was reminded by a good friend that I, more than most people, understand the reality that you never know when you won’t be here- it definitely snapped me back to reality.
So today, while I still slept ‘til noon (on accident, really), I woke up determined to make something of this day. I actually put on jeans and some jewelry, did my make-up, and packed up my laptop to head down to a coffee shop downtown to work on my Resume.

There are a couple things I absolutely LOVE about being back in Kenosha. Lake Michigan comes in at the top of the list. It’s ‘my place.’ And on days like today, when the hot sun shines down mixing with the cool air, and the waves crash against the rocks of the shore in a sparkling spectacle, I am in awe that God spoils us with the beauty of His creation.

I just stood for, what seemed like forever, on a pathway that was built over the water, watching the waves, feeling the mist, and waiting for the occasional fish flop out of the freezing water. I had my Ipod in one ear, wanting to hear the words of “He Loves Us” and the crashing of the waves, in beautiful unison. For those moments, I was just still. Just being. Just here. I wasn’t bothered by the fact that it’s chilly out. That I don’t live in Georgia. That I don’t have a job. That I have to work on my Resume and face my insecurities to get a job. That I live at home. That I’m not in Eau Claire. That I no longer belong to a church. That I have little money left. It was a moment just filled with appreciation and awe for God. And it was as beautiful as the day He’s given me.

Oh, and, after I left my spot- A super old lady, with that old lady formaldehyde smell, approached me with some reading materials and asked me if I knew about the end times. I let Helen talk at me for a solid 15 minutes. I like the Bible. I like old people. I had absolutely nothing better to do. And now I’m more educated about Jehovah witnesses!

What a lovely afternoon.

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